Real life cowboys

Events, People

In case you missed it: Cowboy mounted shooting is an equestrian competitive sport where a rider must guide their horse through a variety of courses while shooting ten balloon targets with single-action revolvers loaded with blank cartridges. It is a timed event with penalties added to the raw time for missed targets or riding the course incorrectly. The sport is for all ages and is split into different classes depending on age group and experience of the rider.

As promised, here are some photos from the Peach State Mounted Shooters Georgia State Competition on October 5, 2014 in Gainesville, Georgia. I had way too many to choose from so I stuck to the ones I thought were the best. Enjoy.


CowboySmall-5468 LindsayBobby MooreAbby


Side note: One of these days I’m going to do a ‘Faces of Cowboy Mounted Shooting’ series and it will be glorious.
